Mobile App (Android, iOS) Developer @ Eat Free App

eat free

Designed and implemented mobile app and backend for Eat Free App, a free social network for crowdsourcing free food on college campuses through simple geolocation and social engagement. Android Play Market, Apple App Store (coming)

Technologies: Android, iOS, Cordova, AngularJS, Leaflet, Maps, PHP, Rest API, MySQL, Geolocation, Design, UI, UX


Electric Longboard

In my spare time I mounted an electric motor on my longboard. Brushless 270kv motor, 5000 mah lipo supplies about 40 minutes of continuous runtime. Max speed carrying 200 lb payload around 30mph.

Founder & Architect @ EssayScoop

Technical & business lead for EssayScoop, an attempt to apply data-mining techniques to college admissions essays. On the technical end I designed our algorithms, developed the django web page, and manage the EC2 servers & PostgreSQL database.

WebsiteFacebookTwitterGoogle+, Kickstarter

Founder & Head Chef @ Butterhub Bakery in Atlanta


Founder, head of marketing, and head chef of Emory’s first late-night snack-delivery service, Butterhub Bakery. Finalist of Siperstein Business competition, featured on Her Campus Emory, EEVM Startup Crunch, and Emory Wheel. Photo above is endorsement by musical artist JR Aquino.

Founder & Editor @ Airlats Science News Site


Created fitness, nutrition, and health online news site in 2011. Currently have 33k subscribers, 6 journalists, 2 editors, and 300 new readers daily. Airlats differentiates itself from other sites in that we analyze and critique primary literature for experimental method and their discussion of results

 Event Coordinator @ 2014 Emory Hackathon

Look_I_won_ Lightsaber

Master planner & organizer of the 2014 Hackathon Competition, raised $15k in sponsorships with sponsors including Microsoft, Uber, Mailchimp, Unitedway; 350 signups from Georgia Tech, Emory, UGA, and other schools. 36 hour event, hosted by Emory Robotics

 Chef & Blogger @Butterhub

Butterhub_joins_this_partyFruit_tart (1)

I am an avid cook and baker. Check out my personal foodblog and culinary portfolio here.